9.30- pagi pagi buta ada guitar class. haihz. spoilt my beauty sleep.
but anything for baby binks(my guitar).
went for class, left my 'now and forever' piece at home. Damn. class wuz short , thanks to it anyway. =p
oh yeah. school had the enterpreneurship day today. went for it. after guitar.
JEREMY's stall
"gurpreeeetttt.. come buy. must buy. very nice-........." bugged by jeremy when he saw me with grace. damn that guy has bionic eyes man.
GRACE's stall
"gurrrpreet... come come buy... uncle (my dude) you so cool la.. must buy buy k.."~ grace
the woman is so cute cute small small. haha
dad on the other hand was keepin himself occupied with games. man. it was more like he's the kid here. like hello!!!
buzzed off after that.. too
shot of to nanyang, of pagolo street.
man that place was like super super kaw kaw chunted man.
right from pastels to perpects, coloured paper (not the norms), some sexy easels, paint brushes of all sorts,seriously, i've never seen those much of brushes, paint, oil paint, paint in small cubes man , like those adabi pati ayam cubes, that small but simply BEAUTIFUL.
cant get my mind off that place, i could just sit there the whole day gazing at the stuff there.
only gazing, buying it- haha. you'll probably see me begging at the market or washing cutleries at a restaurant. that bloody hell expensive wei. one balsa (3' by 25') board is like 10 bucks. damn.
movin on. supposed to head for tuition after that. kononnye la tuition. ended up at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC)- for some FOOD FAIR
they had free......
Can refill all wei.. how canggih giler right. but damn la.. dad was there.. haihz
this filled me up

nothing like a moet on a saturday afternoon. *considering you not bein high buy a glass or two + body heat.. lol
HMM.... then then... owh yeah... MIC meeting at the same place, PWTC. haha. so i guess you know what we meant to be there. haha. *sorry ppl. no offence. just love shinnin. lol
on the way back. man i felt the ooze in me. ooze to get up and just start.. partyin. the so very ppl i wanna be with right now,

preetoo.. roopzz.. and sonzie....

and esther.. th PARTY BOMBERS!!!!
sadly all thats gotta wait till SPM is OVER!!!!!
so cant wait for that.
'THE PLAN' after spm....
- SALSA (total grace's idea. like it tho. =p)
- BOOKS~ not to forget
- late nights begin
- BR BR and more BR
forget it! the lists never gonna finish.
the word in short : MEGA FUN!!!
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